[Byzantine Bindings]

Saturday 29 March 2014

The day was coming when things would
no longer be the same and he would have to
go the way of all flesh
and be judged by
the god he no
longer believed
in but who none
the less belived in him

i can see why 
this spring morning
as the green fire of life powers buds into life
that god would become incarnate
to experience death
to live under the threat of it
all through life
it must have been outside experience
like it is for me 
not to know the unborness
except after many years of struggle 
experiencing interbeing
oneness in the constant flowing stillness of life’s 
fragmentary whole
we meet eye to eye
on the way to the allotted place
this i have made up:
unless ye become as a small 
silent thing
listening not hearing
seeing not looking 
ye shall not experience the
immensity of it all.